He first screwed his love life, then his career and eventually came on the verge of losing his life because of betyal, a stupidity and an accident…. That’s ROSHEN
Even his best friends does not know his real identity. He is brave enough to face the bullet but is scared of love. A dream boyfriend for girls…. That’s ABHI
When she had love, she wasn’t satisfied, when she was satisfied, her love wasn’t. She is cool & confused, charming & selfish, cute & clever…. That’s KRITI
She loves Abhi, loves her mother and loves painting. Does not want to lose anything but has to compromise in whatever she chooses…. That’s PRIYA
There are some secrets, some love and some incidences which led to extraordinary situation in their lives. Who among them will make through and who won’t, a journey to discover a life, a trust and a little bit of love.